Page 5 - Fedral Mogul News Collection
P. 5

Issue 1 - Bradford United News

 NGE 2000                                                                      be found. With that in mind, a lot of work

                                                                               has already gone into creating smart
                                                                               customer categories, so that the business
                                                                               can concentrate on those customers
                                                                               which buy all our products and whose
                                                                               businesses are growing. It doesn’t mean
                                                                               shutting off the smaller customer but it
                                                                               does mean recognising their proper place.
  as judged by our customers.                                                  than 60% of the business and all
                                                                                   Our top 20 customers represent more
                                                                               customers are now ranked according to
                                                                               type – for example, independent car
                                                                               factor – and the size of their turnover with
                 1999 £ Sales by Brand                                         us. This will allow properly targeted
                                                                                   The challenges for Sales in 2000 will
                                                                               be to find new distributors which fit the
                                                                               smart customer plan, get more product
                                                          27%                  into existing distributors, help our existing
                                                                               distributors to sell more and do all in our
            42%                                                                power to prevent customers from taking
                                                                               their business elsewhere.
                                                                               The Marketing

                                                                                     nder the new leadership of Ken
                                                   31%                               Ford, the marketing team has been
                                                                               Urejuvenated to provide a genuine
                                                                               brand focus so that we can maximise our
              AE / Payen    Ferodo / Duron     Champion / Wagner               strengths.
                                                                                   Although one of the smallest teams
                                                                               in the organisation, it’s got a big job to
                                                                               do. In some respects, Marketing is the
                                                                               brains behind the sales team.
                                                                                   It’s the marketing team’s job to look
                                                                               into the marketplace and understand
 ction Survey Results                                                          where it’s going and what it’s going to
                                                                               want from us, now, tomorrow, next year
                                             Key Goal                          and in the years after that.
                                                                                   It’s marketing’s job to find out what
                                                                               the competition is up to and, wherever
                                                                               possible, forecast where it’s going to focus
                                              ● ● ● ● ● Create a working       its attention so that we can either get in
                                                  environment which            first or get out of a lost cause.
                                                  promotes job                     Most importantly, it’s marketing’s job
                                                                               to understand what our customers want
                                                  satisfaction and             from us; so, we’re asking them and the
                                                  develops the potential       results of the first customer satisfaction
                                                                               survey – which asks for their judgement
                                                  of employees.                of the quality of our service across a
                                                                               whole range of issues, including
                                                                               deliveries, responsiveness, cataloguing,
      AE                   Payen                                               brand strength and availability - have just
             Champion  Ferodo/ Duron         Key Goal                          been published on the bulletin board.
                                                                               Also, the first of a series of distributor

                                              ● ● ● ● ● Reduce Costs/Waste.    panels meetings will begin during this
  stions                                                                           A major promotional calendar has
                                                                               already been put together for the year,
   Actual score                                                                which, as well as specialist advertising,
                                                                               will also include some high level brand
                                            The Sales Challenge                awareness sponsorship of some major
        we need to put in place to make the                                    motor sporting activities including,
        necessary improvement.                                                 Formula 1, Superbike, Moto X, the Ford
            It is these change actions which are  lthough not often seen on site, the  WRC Rally, drag racing and the British
        now beginning to affect every nook and   sales team (now pulled together  Touring Car Championships.
        cranny of the business. It is these change  Aunder a single sales director, Robin
        actions which are setting the departmen-  Shaw) is an integral part of the Bradford
        tal goals right across the business. It is  team. However, just like every other
        these change actions which are going to  department, its challenge for 2000, is to                    5
        make us the best parts supplier as judged  work smarter, to direct attention and
        by our customers.                   effort where the greatest rewards are to           Continued page 6
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