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Bradford United News - Issue 1

           figure 1. Federal-Mogul Employee Survey Results
                       Bradford - Overall Favourable Rating

                                                                                 Do You


                                                                                       Of It

              Favourable           Un-favourable        Not applicable / Don't
                                                                                  So Far?

               he summary of the Federal-Mogul Employee Survey
               results – see figure 1 - shows an overall favourable                Your Views
        T rating of 44 per cent across the site.
                                                                                    Taken Into
            But what does that mean? Is that good or bad? How do we
        compare with the industry norm?
            The real question is not so much what do these results tell us about where we’ve
        come from  but how can we use them to build a better future. In other words - what’s
        going to change as a result of understanding and acting upon your views?

                                                                            What Did
                 Who’s Bothered?                                           You Say?

                        First things first. Let’s look at the
                     size of the sample so that we can un-
                      derstand just how many people’s views
                      are being represented.                                   It is just
                         During October and November of                   not possible to
                      last year, everyone on the Bradford site         present a full pic-
                      – that is 306 employees - was given the         ture of the results.
                     opportunity to take part on the Federal-           Not because there’s
                     Mogul employee survey.  Disappointingly,             anything anyone
                     only 45% of employees returned their                 wants to hide but
                     forms for inclusion in the results.  because the full results are contained in
                        Statistically the results are still valid  two massive loose-leaf ring-binders, each
                     but it does mean that the views of almost  about six inches deep.
        170 employees cannot be taken into account because we  Within those, the results are played back in a variety of ways:
        do not know what they are.                      according to which of the areas of the business you work, as a comparison
            Now, does that mean 55% of the workforce just aren’t  with the total results from all the Federal-Mogul sites surveyed; as a
        interested in making the Bradford site a better place to  comparison with the industry norm (a statistical means which surveys
        work? Or, does it mean that 170 employees think the whole  literally tens of thousands of employees in manufacturing organisations
        thing is a waste of time anyway because no matter what  throughout the USA to create a norm figure for the industry); a straight
        you say, it won’t make a jot of difference?     percentage response against each of the 62 questions asked and as a
            Unfortunately, we can only guess because so many  simple summary gathering each of those 62 questions into each of 16
        of you decided to keep your views to yourselves. Well,  subject categories.
        okay – even when you say nothing, it’s a statement of a  Of course, by its very nature a summary provides only an overview
        kind and it’s not one we’re going to ignore. So, let’s be  which can tend to misinterpret some results - without intending to. But,
        bold and say to everyone on site – whether you are actively  to go into all the detail would take ten times the space we’ve got, bore
             part of the team which wants to play a role in  you to distraction and probably leave you none the wiser. So, what follows
      2      improving conditions across a whole range of issues  tries to steer a course between presenting a reasonably easy-to-
             or are happy just to take the benefits – that actions
                                                        understand summary but yet pick out those areas of detail which you’ll
             speak louder than words.
                                                        probably be most interested in.
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