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Bradford United News - Issue 1

        How Did We Do In ’99?

             he last two years have seen an  CHALLEN
             enormous amount of change at the
        TLegrams Lane site. Three major
        companies – AE Autoparts, Ferodo and
        Champion – have been successfully
        brought together under one roof. The   To be the best parts supplier
        effect has been to increase the number
        of customers being serviced by the site
        by ten fold.
            Although AE Autoparts was then
        already owned by the T & N Group, prior            L D C  SA L E S 19 9 7 - 20 0 0
        to 1998 Bradford was responsible solely
        for moving AE and Payen-branded
        product. All that was to change when
        Federal-Mogul acquired the businesses of
        the T & N Group and, in April 1998, took
        the decision to move all Ferodo and Duron
        branded product onto the site.
            No sooner had the dust settled on
        that major movement of stock  than
        Federal-Mogul, hungry to increase its
        portfolio in pursuit of its goal of being a
        $10 billion company by 2002, had
        acquired the automotive businesses of
        Cooper Industries. The Cooper Group                                                          UK
        included the Champion and Wagner
        brands and, in June 1999, these brands              FRANCE              ITALY     SPAIN
        were also taken onto the Bradford stock                       GERMANY
            In just two years, although the actual
        number of product lines has increased by
        a relatively small amount, the individual          19 97      199 8       1 999      2000
        business transactions have multiplied
        massively – probably by as much as a
        factor of 20.
            The complexity of the business has
        changed out of all recognition.
                                              Key Goal
        How Good Are We?

              espite the extra workload and the  ● ● ● ● ● Increase Customer
              turmoil of having so many new
        Dcustomers to service, Bradford            Satisfaction.
        remains one of the most successful LDCs
        in Europe.
            Looking at sales throughput off the
        Bradford site and comparing it with sales
        out of France, Germany, Italy and Spain,  Key Goal
        it is possible to see that Bradford is the
        single biggest LDC in Europe

                                              ● ● ● ● ● Achieve Sales and
        The Challenge                             Earnings Plan.
        Is To Get Smart

           n a shrinking marketplace, the
           competition for share becomes ever
        I more fierce. There’s always someone
        waiting to pick up the business so even
        the most successful operators cannot  service we offer and make sure, firstly,  Towards the end of last year, the
        afford to become complacent.        that it matches what our customers  company developed a Key Goals Business
            That message - concentrating on the  expect of us and, secondly, that it’s as  Plan which does just that. It began by
        customer and what he expects from us –  good as we can make it. That means  asking some basic questions – what are
        was the central the focus of Dick Snell’s  looking at every process in the supply  the key areas which most affect our
        keynote address to the leadership
                                            chain – right from the sales teams facing  ability to provide a good service (and if
             conference in Grand Rapids,    the customer every day, to the picker in  we didn’t know we put processes in place
      4      Michigan, earlier this month.  the warehouse who makes sure the right  to enable us to find out) and, if they’re
                                                                                not as good as our customers think they
                 What that means to Bradford
                                            product gets packed and shipped – and
                                                                                should be, then what change action do
             is that we have to look hard at the
                                            taking nothing for granted.
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