Page 1 - Fedral Mogul News Collection
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Issue 1 - Bradford United News
                                                   ISSUE 1, JANUARY 2000

           Putting Federal-Mogul Aftermarket UK in the Pictur e

        Bradford Site Gets United

        First News Issue Focuses On Year 2000 Presentations

                   elcome to this, the first issue of Bradford United News,
                   the magazine which helps to put Federal-Mogul                   WHAT’S INSIDE
        WAftermarket UK employees in the picture.
                                                                                      THIS ISSUE?
            Although the magazine is primarily intended for Aftermarket UK
        employees, it is hoped that anyone else working on the Legrams Lane
        site but who reports to another European location will also find it useful
        and informative.
                                                                                   F-M Survey Results
            This first issue is devoted almost  reporting on the activities of the
        exclusively to providing a summary of  Council, an employee Spotlight and,         – page 2/3
        the Year 2000 presentations which were  whenever possible, a round-up of each  and continued on page 7
        given to all employees, as promised,  quarter’s company results so that you
        before the end of January. The major  can see how the business is doing          Year 2000
        topics of interest include a summary of  against its plan and to help us all share
        the 1999 results, Bradford’s perform-  our successes when they happen.             – page 4/5
        ance relative to the other European lo-
        cal distribution centres (LDCs), the       Don’t Keep Quiet!                 and continued on page 6
        highlight challenges for the coming
        year, including sales targets, a summary                                        Noticeboard
        of the Key Goals Business Plan and the  Pulling together the information to
        results of the Federal-Mogul employee  create a company magazine takes time         – page 8
        survey conducted towards the end of  and effort but it really cannot succeed
        last year.                          unless you, its readers, help to ensure that
                                            the good things happening right around
                                            the business get included.
          What Do You Want To See?                                             get the low-down on the heart of the
                                               For the time being, those people who  business – and that’s you and what
            In future issues, the scope of topics  represent your interests on Council are  you’re doing.
        will broaden to include business    also helping to gather and write material
        success stories, new initiatives in the  for inclusion in the magazine but we  What’s Going On?
        marketplace, Sports & Social Club news  really need the help of every single reader
        and information, there will be a column  as well so that they know where to go to
                                                                                   Do you support a charity? Is there
                                                                               someone in your work area who you think
            Silver Service                                                     a project going on in your section which
                                                                               is worthy of special recognition? Is there
                                                                               other readers would like to know about?
                                                                               If so, don’t keep these happenings to
                                                                               yourself. If you think you have a story
                                            John Roberts has a little extra    which should appear in the magazine,
                                            shine to him these days – a        contact Melanie Marchant in Warehouse
                                                                               & Assembly and someone from the
                                            silver shine.
                                                                               editorial team will come and get the
                                                                               details from you.
                                            As health & safety officer, John
                                            has just received the silver star      And what else would you like to see
                                            award from Federal-Mogul for       in the magazine? Would you like a
                                            consistent improvement in          crossword for example. Any suggestions
                                                                               welcome – just ring Melanie on 2345 and
                                            health and safety standards on     she’ll pass your comments on to the
                                            site over more than one year.      editorial team.
                                            The award is a credit to               Bradford United News is here to
                                            everyone on the site.              keep you in touch with the business
                                                                               so make it your business to keep  1
                                                                               in touch with Bradford United News.
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