
automatically update the lender about your own case management via the Conveyancing Portal.

You can receive and complete conveyancing work for sales, purchases and remortgages via our online Conveyancing Portal.

It gives you access to conveyancing work once you have been appointed onto a lender's conveyancing panel.

Your own case management system will receive and manage the jobs which will automatically update the lender via the Conveyancing Portal.

You don’t even have to contact the lender direct. 

Once the case is closed, it is automatically sent back to the lender on your behalf.  The Conveyancing Portal saves you time.

Secure integration solution

xit2 Limited, EDM House, Village Way, Wolverhampton WV14 0UJ    Tel: 01902 406200
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EDM Group is one of the UK’s largest information management providers. We combine business expertise with innovative technology and robust outsourcing capabilities to help leading organisations improve their performance.